Contact Details

My current practice is centered around both gynecology and general women’s health, including peri- and postmenopausal ‘quality of life.’ I see patients in New Haven, Guilford, and Essex, Connecticut. If you wish to schedule an appointment with me, please see the following office schedule and telephone numbers:

I am in the New Haven office on Monday: 203-789-2011

I am in the Guilford office on Tuesday: 203-453-4450

I am in the Essex office on Wednesday: 860-767-0223

Although I currently do not do obstetrics and gynecological surgery, I practice with an excellent group, all of whom are top-notch obstetricians and surgeons. We work together closely, and admit patients to Yale-New Haven Hospital. Additionally, I have over 40 years worth of professional relationships with specialists in virtually all medical and related fields, both locally and nationally, should the need arise for outside referrals.